Monday, November 10, 2008

Advertising: It's Everywhere

No, it's not your imagination. The amount of advertising and marketing North Americans are exposed to daily has exploded over the past decade; studies show, that on average we see 3,000 ads per day. At the gas pumps, in the movie theatre, in a washroom stall, during sporting events—advertising is impossible to avoid.

Even outer space isn't safe from commercialization: the Russian space program launched a rocket bearing a 30-foot Pizza Hut logo, and some companies have investigated placing ads in space that will be visible from earth.

The challenge of the future may be finding public and private spaces that are free of advertising.
Marketers are pressed to find even more innovative and aggressive ways to cut through the "ad clutter" or "ad fatigue" of modern life.
(Madiha Mohsin)


Hafsa said...

Our lives, today, are being controlled by the media more than we realize. Most of us tend to deny this, but advertisements have a tremendous impact on our lifestyles. They manipulate our minds into believing what they are showing is true and persuading us into buying whatsoever. It may be useful to us - the consumers, considering that dissemination of information is necessary for us to make a choice between various products and services. But this may easily decieve us when the perpetual process shown in the advertisement differs from reality. Either way, we cannot blind ourselves from the advertising industry because of the nagative dimension because we ourselves need it at the same time since it play a mojor part in our social and economical lifes.

Author said...

Advertising has come to stay as an important part of the modern economic system and present-day society. Communicating to consumers about the vast variety of products and services available, is obviously impossible without advertising, but at the same time its controlling our livestyles too. The marketing strategies today have evolved as the communicating power has enhanced and is more effective than ever before. TV, radio, magazines, papers, billboards, all play a vital role in influencing our desicive power. The marketing companies very cleverly portray the "wants" of the buyers as the "needs", which ultimately appeals them towards it. I surely agree with the author that the advertising industry leaves a strong impact on our lives and this, for sure, IS the "Ad-Age".

Muhammad Umair Tariq said...

ya thats rite, in near future i dont think there would be any free spot on this planet where ads will let it go.
these days if you look around ur self like from home to work ,u would find more then 20 bilbords and other forms of ad,even the public places are full of add,even news channels go for long ad's .
so in the near future everything is gone be labled with ad.
nice blog

Unknown said...

as the author mentions it's true that there is no escape from advertising as it is said to be non personal.advertising is so focused that one can easily understand the message making the communication process in form of advertising a is a creative activity and must be promoted a varoius front.but the point that must be kept in mind is that it does not promote any illegal act.we even advertise ourselves by the way we dress and live etc.

Unknown said...

We breathe advertisments. It is, no doubt, everywhere. I close pop ups before they pop, delete spam before I read it. Ads do get annoying at times but at the same time their being everywhere has benefitted us too! They opened up our minds, flourished our knowledge regarding products and services, increased our options, made us question everytime we bought something..
Then why only treat this topic negatively? nd y only see it frm a consumer's perspective?

Unknown said...

Even if we see it from a consumer's perspective, this statement should not necessarily be taken negative (for reasons u ve already pointed out)

Unknown said...

I agree with Qasim!

Muhammad Umair Tariq said...

good blog
mine is

NeoGeek said...

I'm sorry but I beg to differ from you 'Author'. No doubt the advertising industry has evolved and enhanced over the past few years, and I agree they have to some extent an impact on our lifestyles but even then they are not controlling it. Advertising is just a way companies used to communicate with their consumers in order to inform them about the services they have been working hard to provide. Yes, they use different strategies to attract eyes towards their product but this is necessary to keep up with their challenging competitors. Anyhow, the choice is ours in the end, and if we're so shallow to be influenced so much by them, its our faults not them. Besides, many advertisements have actually helped our society in many ways, like the family planning advertisements and the "mein cigarette nahin peeta" ad starring Wasim Akram which made so many teenagers quit smoking.

Unknown said...

"main cigrette nahi peeta" by Wasim Akram.
A very good example u quoted mr.geek. So did this Ad personally affect u?

NeoGeek said...

im not really a Wasim Akram fan so you know :P~

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

The impact of advertising has been a matter of considerable debate and many different claims have been made in different contexts. During debates about the banning of cigarette advertising, a common claim from cigarette manufacturers was that cigarette advertising does not encourage people to smoke who would not otherwise. The opponents of advertising, on the other hand, claim that advertising does in fact increase consumption.

Anonymous said...

i agree with irtaza that he actually agrees with qasim!

Unknown said...

watch Babylon A.D
apart from the fact it brings Vin Diesel back to action
it also shows what New York would/could possible be in the near future...
advertisements hanging on every wall
holographic advertisements on the building walls...
at the moment.
Madison Square Garden has the maximum number of advertisements in a minimum area.