Friday, November 14, 2008

The Advertising Show [RSS]

The Advertising Show is America’s only globally distributed weekly program focusing on advertising, media, marketing, sales and customer relations. The Advertising Show, co-hosted by Brad Forsythe and Ray Schilens, discusses advertising issues, marketing trends and strategies, and features weekly interviews with prominent industry experts. Join the caustically witty hosts Forsythe and Schilens for a lively and informative program.

Today's Episode - Storybrand Consulting CEO Tom Neveril, a Los Angeles-based writer and consultant, Joins The Show To Discuss How To Use Story Telling In Your Marketing Message.

Click Here To Listen!

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Some Hilarious Commercials

Here are a couple of hilarious commercials ever aired on TV. They ads show true creativity mixed with an awesome sense of humor. Not only they leave you smiling ear to ear but urge you to use the product at the same time.

Bridgestone Ad

AuctionLand Ad

Toyota Ad

I will be uploading some more commercials soon. Please stay tuned.

(Kisa Zaidi, Hafsa Amir, Madiha Mohsin)

Advertising to children: Is it ethical?

Advertising is a massive, multi-million dollar project that's having an enormous impact on child development. The sheer volume of advertising is growing rapidly and invading new areas of childhood, like schools. The result is not only an epidemic of materialistic values among children, but also children have become convinced that they're inferior if they don't have an endless array of new products. In the past the most effective way to sell children's products was through mom and dad. Now the opposite is true, children are the focal point for intense advertising pressure seeking to influence billions of dollars of family spending. Advertisers are aware that children influence the purchase of not just kid's products anymore, but everything in the household from cars to toothpaste. Today's marketers target children too much in advertising. Is it ethical??
(Hafsa Amir)

Do you think this is a Creative Advertisement?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Spread the word about the benefits of advertising

Advertising is unpopular with those concerned for our welfare. They see it as a kind of coercion, making us “want things we do not really need” and, sometimes, things that are positively bad for us. Ban the ad, they demand.

Modern regulators are happy to oblige them. On Sunday, two moves to tighten up on advertising junk food to children come into force. Ofcom, the media regulator, introduces new content rules (including banning the use of celebrities), prior to banning advertising of foods high in fat, sugar or salt during television programmes popular with under-16-year-olds next January. The Committee of Advertising Practice, an industry group, is bringing in similar content rules for press, posters and paid-for internet space.

These prohibitions are unlikely to achieve their goal of reducing demand for junk food. For advertising is not the only way to promote a product. The money that manufacturers are forced to save on advertising may, for example, be diverted into research and development: ad-banners might inadvertently be helping to create even more irresistible junk food. Or the unspent advertising budget may simply be used to cut prices - and cheaper, unadvertised junk food may sell in greater volume.
(Madiha Mohsin)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Social & Economic Impacts of Advertising

Advertising has positive as well as negative, social and economic impacts on our society. As far as economic factors are concerned, funding for the media and stimulating an active and competitive economy, are the major examples.

There are various blames that advertising is causing a negative social impact on the lives. The chief unfavorable judgment for advertising is that it hales the public to buy things that they are not their real want. It is arrogated that advertising plays with emotions and encourages people to think that buying and depleting are the activities of life. Another negative social impact of advertising is that it exposes women as sex tools. Coming to the economic negative aspect of advertising, the major problem is that advertising boosts the price of goods and services. The source of this contention is that, when organizations subsidize the mass media with advertising, we, the purchaser, subsidize advertising by compensating a grossly increased price for heavily advertised goods and services.

On the other hand advertising also acts as an educator in the sense that it educates people what is good and what is bad for them and puts a ceiling on the harmful products like smoking and drinking etc. There are not only social benefits of advertising, but it also has some economic advantages. Without advertising, the media, including newspapers, television and radio would never be much strong. Advertising provides revenue for commercial mediums which would otherwise need to be funded by the actual consumer of these mediums.

So, the impact of advertising on our society is in a jumble form, depending on the functions and implementations of numerous campaigns. Our society and the marketing of products depend very badly upon advertising.
(Kisa Zaidi)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Creative Advertisments

As we believe that strong advertisement is a fastest way to convey the message to the audience and if they are created for sharing the happiness and joy of the occasions and social events then the result will be more fantastic. There must be innovation and creativity involve in any successful creative advertisement campaign. In this post, you can see how different companies conveyed their marketing/promotion message for their products or services through various creative and capturing ideas.

You may say this post is an exclusive post for the many creative avertisments made so far (including the advertisments made by Lse students exclusively for Lse courses)